Bird Bands

Bird Leg Bands, Rings & Gifts Online
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Lost & Found Birds

Bird Bands by Size - Bird Leg Size Guide - Personalised Leg Bands - Year Leg Bands - 2mm - 2.1mm - 2.3mm - 2.5mm - 2.8mm - 2.9mm - 3mm - 3.1mm - 3.3mm - 3.5mm - 4mm - 4.1mm - 4.3mm - 4.5mm - 5mm - 5.3mm - 5.5mm - 6mm - 6.4mm - 7mm - 7.5mm - 8mm - 8.7mm - 9mm - 9.5mm - 10mm - 11mm - 12mm - 12.7mm - 13mm - 14mm - 15mm - 16mm - 17mm - 18mm - 19mm - 20mm - 21mm - 22mm - 24mm - 26mm - 28mm

Bird Bands by Species - Budgerigar Leg Bands - Canary Leg Bands - Cockatiel Leg Bands - Finch Leg Bands - Lorikeet Leg Bands - Lovebird Leg Bands - Parrot Leg Bands - Pigeon Leg Bands - Poultry Leg Bands - Bat Leg Bands - Other Bird Leg Bands

Bird Bands by Type - Adjustable Leg Bands - Aluminium Leg Bands - Closed Leg Bands - Coiled Leg Bands - Customised Leg Bands - Elastic Bands - Leg Flags - Numbered Leg Bands - Plain Plastic Leg Bands - Spiral Leg Bands - Stainless Steel Leg Bands - Striped Leg Bands

Bird Products - Leg Ring Cutter Scissors - Leg Band Opening Pliers - Dummy Eggs - Bird Aviaries & Cages - Vetafarm Products - Bird Supplies

Bird Gifts - Bird Breeding Record - Bird Books - Personalised Gifts - Bird T-Shirts - Bird Finger Rings - Bird Jewellery - Crystal Bird Figurines

Bird Information - Shipping Tracking - Lost & Found Birds - Bird Clubs - Leg Band Size Conversion Comparison - Leg Band application Instructions


Lost and Found Birds


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Lost a Bird?

Pet birds sometimes escape. If the bird is tame it is likely that someone will find it and look for the owner.
If you loose a bird that has no leg band you can put up posters around the area etc.

Be prepared. A leg band with your details can help a lost bird find it's way back home faster.
Closed leg rings can be put on baby birds or split leg rings on older birds.

A phone number on the leg ring makes it easy for you to be identified and to receive a phone call.

Order leg rings with your phone number printed.

Found a Bird?

Check the birds leg for clues about who the owner might be.
Bird breeders and bird owners sometimes put leg bands on the legs of their birds.
The leg band might have numbers and initials. This will help to identify the bird but is hard to identify the owner.

If the band includes a phone number you will be able to contact that number for more information.


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