Bird Bands

Bird Leg Bands, Rings & Gifts Online
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Bird Bands by Size - Bird Leg Size Guide - Personalised Leg Bands - Year Leg Bands - 2mm - 2.1mm - 2.3mm - 2.5mm - 2.8mm - 2.9mm - 3mm - 3.1mm - 3.3mm - 3.5mm - 4mm - 4.1mm - 4.3mm - 4.5mm - 5mm - 5.3mm - 5.5mm - 6mm - 6.4mm - 7mm - 7.5mm - 8mm - 8.7mm - 9mm - 9.5mm - 10mm - 11mm - 12mm - 12.7mm - 13mm - 14mm - 15mm - 16mm - 17mm - 18mm - 19mm - 20mm - 21mm - 22mm - 24mm - 26mm - 28mm

Bird Bands by Species - Budgerigar Leg Bands - Canary Leg Bands - Cockatiel Leg Bands - Finch Leg Bands - Lorikeet Leg Bands - Lovebird Leg Bands - Parrot Leg Bands - Pigeon Leg Bands - Poultry Leg Bands - Bat Leg Bands - Other Bird Leg Bands

Bird Bands by Type - Adjustable Leg Bands - Aluminium Leg Bands - Closed Leg Bands - Coiled Leg Bands - Customised Leg Bands - Elastic Bands - Leg Flags - Numbered Leg Bands - Plain Plastic Leg Bands - Spiral Leg Bands - Stainless Steel Leg Bands - Striped Leg Bands

Bird Products - Leg Ring Cutter Scissors - Leg Band Opening Pliers - Dummy Eggs - Bird Aviaries & Cages - Vetafarm Products - Bird Supplies

Bird Gifts - Bird Breeding Record - Bird Books - Personalised Gifts - Bird T-Shirts - Bird Finger Rings - Bird Jewellery - Crystal Bird Figurines

Bird Information - Shipping Tracking - Lost & Found Birds - Bird Clubs - Leg Band Size Conversion Comparison - Leg Band application Instructions


What size leg bands do you need? A size guide is on this page

2024, 2025

personalised bird bands custom rings

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Personalised 2024 & 2025 Bird Rings

More sizes and colours to choose from.

Numbers, Initials, Year.

Aluminium, Stainless Steel and Plastic rings.
Split and Closed rings.

Spiral Bird Leg Bands / Leg Rings

6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12.5mm, 13mm, 14mm, 15mm, 16mm, 18mm, 20.5mm, 24mm, 25mm, 32 mm

Multi Spiral Plastic Bands
12.5mm x 12 leg bands - $8.95
14mm x 12 leg bands - $9.50
16mm x 12 leg bands - $9.95
18mm x 12 leg bands - $10.50
20.5mm x 12 leg bands - $10.95
25mm x 12 leg bands - $11.50
32mm x 12 leg bands - $11.95

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Multi spiral plastic leg rings.

Multi Spiral Leg Bands. Plastic Spiral Bird Leg Rings.

Choose from 12.5mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm, 20.5mm, 25mm, 32mm.

12 Mixed Colours included - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Pink,Violet, Brown, Grey, Black, White.

Wind ring around leg to put on. (Unwind to take off.)

12.5mm Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 12.5mm. Height: Approx 9mm.

14mm Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 14mm. Height: Approx 9mm.

16mm Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 16mm. Height: Approx 9mm.

18mm Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 18mm. Height: Approx 12mm.

20.5mm Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 20.5mm. Height: Approx 12mm.

25mm Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 25mm. Height: Approx 15mm.

32mm Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 32mm. Height: Approx 15mm.


Small Leg Bands
Plastic Single Spiral
22 leg bands - $8.95
55 leg bands - $17.95
110 leg bands - $31.95
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Open spiral leg rings.

Choose from 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm Rings.

Small - Single Spiral Leg Bands. Plastic Spiral Bird Leg Rings.

Wind ring around leg to put on. (Unwind to take off.)
Spiral bands have ends cut to a point to create a smooth edge finish. Make sure that the band layers close tightly together so that the pointed ends are not exposed. Pointed ends can cause leg injury if not applied correctly.

6mm Bird Plastic Spiral Leg Bands. Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 6mm. Height: Approx 3mm.
11 Mixed colours included.

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Pink, Brown, Grey, Black, White.

7mm Bird Plastic Spiral Leg Bands. Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 7mm. Height: Approx 3mm.
10 Mixed colours included.

Orange, Yellow, Green, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Pink, Lilac, Brown, Black, White.

8mm Bird Plastic Spiral Leg Bands. Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 8mm. Height: Approx 4mm.
10 Mixed colours included.

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Pink, Lilac, Black, White.

10mm Bird Plastic Spiral Leg Bands. Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 10mm. Height: Approx 5mm.
10 Mixed colours included.

Red, Orange, Green, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Pink, Lilac, Brown, Black, White.


13mm Leg Bands
Plastic Single Spiral
16 leg bands - $6.95
48 leg bands - $17.50
96 leg bands - $31.50

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Open spiral leg rings.

13mm Rings.

Single Spiral Leg Bands. Plastic Spiral Bird Leg Rings.

Wind ring around leg to put on. (Unwind to take off.)
Spiral bands have ends cut to a point to create a smooth edge finish. Make sure that the band layers close tightly together so that the pointed ends are not exposed. Pointed ends can cause leg injury if not applied correctly.

13mm Bird Plastic Spiral Leg Bands. Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 13mm. Height: Approx 5mm.
8 Mixed colours included.

Red, Yellow, Green, Dark Blue, Grey, Brown, Black, White.


15mm Leg Bands
Plastic Single Spiral
16 leg bands - $6.95
48 leg bands - $17.50
96 leg bands - $31.50

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Open spiral leg rings.

15mm Rings.

Single Spiral Leg Bands. Plastic Spiral Bird Leg Rings.

Wind ring around leg to put on. (Unwind to take off.)
Spiral bands have ends cut to a point to create a smooth edge finish. Make sure that the band layers close tightly together so that the pointed ends are not exposed. Pointed ends can cause leg injury if not applied correctly.

15mm Bird Plastic Spiral Leg Bands. Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 15mm. Height: Approx 5mm.
8 Mixed colours included.

Red, Orange, Green, Dark Blue, Pink, Brown, Black, White.


16mm Leg Bands
Plastic Single Spiral
16 leg bands - $6.95
48 leg bands - $17.50
96 leg bands - $31.50

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Open spiral leg rings.

16mm Rings.

Single Spiral Leg Bands. Plastic Spiral Bird Leg Rings.

Wind ring around leg to put on. (Unwind to take off.)
Spiral bands have ends cut to a point to create a smooth edge finish. Make sure that the band layers close tightly together so that the pointed ends are not exposed. Pointed ends can cause leg injury if not applied correctly.

16mm Bird Plastic Spiral Leg Bands. Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 16mm. Height: Approx 5mm.
8 Mixed colours included.

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Pink, Lilac, Brown, Black.


24mm Leg Bands
Plastic Single Spiral
20 leg bands - $9.95
50 leg bands - $19.95
100 leg bands - $35.95

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Open spiral leg rings.

24mm Rings.

Single Spiral Leg Bands. Plastic Spiral Bird Leg Rings.

Wind ring around leg to put on. (Unwind to take off.)
Spiral bands have ends cut to a point to create a smooth edge finish. Make sure that the band layers close tightly together so that the pointed ends are not exposed. Pointed ends can cause leg injury if not applied correctly.

24mm Bird Plastic Spiral Leg Bands. Leg Hole Diameter: Approx 24mm. Height: Approx 6mm.
10 Mixed colours included.

Red, Yellow, Green, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Pink, Lilac, Grey, Black, White.

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